AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor

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Retirement Planning

What is retirement planning? Retirement planning means preparing today for your future life so that you continue to lead a lifestyle that you planned, so you enjoy your retirement life in peace. This includes setting your retirement goals, estimating the amount of money you will need, and investing to grow your retirement savings. We help you in every step of planning and reviewing your plans as per your Retirement Goal.

Why Retirement Planning?

  • Higher life expectancy (Approx. 75-85)
  • Reduced work tenor
  • Higher Inflation in essential commodities
  • Lack of social securities in India
  • Higher cost of medical expenses in post-retirement years
  • Break up of joint family system
  • Maintain the preretirement lifestyle

Most common Retirement planning Mistakes

  • Not having a retirement plan
  • Not starting it early
  • Not considering Inflation
  • Using the Retirement corpus for other goals.
  • Underestimating the medical cost
  • Buying Retirement plan, thinking that would be sufficient.

As we understand the process and possible pitfalls we handhold you in every step to achieve your Retirement Goal.